NY.gov ID is an online service that enables citizens, state and local government employees, businesses, and others to access NY.gov ID participating government online services.
With an NY.gov ID you don’t need to enroll for a separate Login ID and password at each new site you visit.
Simply use your NY.gov ID Login ID and password to sign into New York State services such as:
- Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance
- Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance MyBenefits
- Department of Motor Vehicles MyDMV
- Department of Tax and Finance Tax Online Services
- New York State Office of Higher Education TEACH Services.
Who can obtain an NY.Gov ID account?
Does it cost anything?
No, it’s free.
What do I need to create the account?
A valid email address.
Do NY.Gov accounts expire?
Accounts do not expire. However, if the account has been inactive for over two years, a password change is required upon that attempt to use the inactive account.
How To
Refer to this step-by-step process to set up an account:
- Go to my.ny.gov
- Click the “Don’t have an account?” button
- Select account type: “Personal,” “Government Employee,” or “Business”
- Click on “Sign Up for an NY.gov ID”
- Fill out first name, last name and email address
- Create a username
- Create account
- Verify that your information is correct
- You will receive an automatic email to verify your account
- Click on the verification in the email
- Set your password
- Select three security questions
- Hit submit and your account is active
Contact us by phone:
Contact us by mail:
State Capitol Empire State
Plaza P.O. Box 2062
Albany, NY 12220