Apply for a Professional License
Search the professional licenses offered in New York State and apply.
Start a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Find out requirements and filing instructions to form a Limited Liability Company.
Start a Business in New York State
Everything you need to know to start and grow your business is right here.
Search the professional licenses offered in New York State and apply.
Get a New York State certification to participate in available contracting opportunities.
New York State has over $13 billion in lost money. Every day we return $1 million to those who file a claim.
Keep your license up-to-date and active by renewing or updating your information on your license.
Everything you need to know to start and grow your business is right here.
Used when an applicant for a license, permit or contract is not required to carry workers' comp and/or disability coverage.
Geocoding can be used any time you have an address and a geographic coordinate is needed.
GIS layers provided by the GIS Program Office include NYS streets, civil boundaries, base maps, and more.
GIS Web Services hosted by NYS State Agencies.
Find information about NYS Council on the Arts grants from the year 2000-present using this search engine.