Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Safety Initiatives Taking Action on Pedestrian Safety

The New York State Departments of Transportation and Health teamed up with the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee on a first-of-its-kind pedestrian safety campaign in New York State. It provided more than $110 million for enhancing pedestrian safety across Upstate New York and Long Island through the Three Es: Engineering, Enforcement and Education. The State continues to invest in the critical Three Es of pedestrian safety.

Making Streets Safer The Three Es

Our three-pronged approach to making streets safer for pedestrians features the Three Es – Engineering, Enforcement and Education.

Public Service Announcement Hidden Obstructions

DOT Pedestrian Safety PSA Obstructions
See! Be Seen!
See! Be Seen!

Take Action Keeping Pedestrians Safe


Everyone is a pedestrian. Learn about the different types of pedestrian traffic signals and how to use them and find safety tips for pedestrians and motorists.


What types of pedestrian safety improvement projects are we considering? Find out here.

Action Plan

Learn about the comprehensive five-year, multi-agency plan for pedestrian safety in New York State.

Stay Informed Pedestrian Safety is a Group Effort


Find a thorough list of NYSDOT pedestrian safety initiatives, as well as links to other state, federal and private pedestrian safety information.


Get in touch with us to ask questions and share ideas.