New York State COVID-19 Technology SWAT Team

Leveraging Technology Expertise to Scale our Efforts

First-in-the-Nation Technology Service Partnership with Leading Global Technology Companies

Technology SWAT Teams to Support New York COVID-19 Response

During the COVID-19 crisis, New York State launched technology driven products with leading global tech companies to accelerate and amplify our response to pandemic. We looked for impactful solutions and skilled tech employees to help. Individuals from leading global technology companies were deployed across high-impact and urgent COVID response activities.

Technology companies, universities, nonprofits, research labs, and other organizations with technology expertise were invited to submit an expression of interest.

We received about 5200 submissions representing about 7300 total volunteers. There was strong interest across the range of functions, including Web/Mobile Development, Data Science/Analytics, End User Support and Digital Content Strategy.

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the Tech SWAT Team.

Update: SWAT Team Updates & Full Progress Report

New York State Technology SWAT Team Playbook

This Playbook provides recommendations and guidelines for any government entity that is standing up a similar Technology SWAT Team effort.

Support from the Technology Industry

Managing Director and New York State Lead, Accenture

Deborah Snyder

Accenture is proud to be part of New York State’s innovative approach to helping citizens outmaneuver the uncertainty of this pandemic. Accenture has committed skilled technology team members to help address New York’s urgent and high impact coronavirus response activities. We stand together with the state’s digital team to help ensure citizens can access the information they need during this difficult time.

Deborah Snyder

Head of Government Affairs for Google New York

Angela Pinsky

Google is committed to using our tools, resources and talent to help New York State and our communities as we look to help manage the response to COVID-19, together. We are proud to provide the support of a dedicated group of Google Cloud engineers to work alongside the bench of extraordinary tech talent that make up this State Technology SWAT Team. We appreciate New York’s leadership during this unprecedented time and look forward to working together to ensure the health and safety of our community.

Angela Pinsky

Executive Director of Tech:NYC

Julie Samuels

The Coronavirus State Technology SWAT Team concept is just the kind of innovative approach to partnership between private companies and the NYS government that we need to effectively combat the present crisis and rise to the challenge of protecting every New Yorker.

Julie Samuels

President of U.S. Regulated Industries, Microsoft

Toni Townes-Whitley

Microsoft recognizes the challenges this pandemic poses, both to residents of New York State and people around the world. We thank New York State for its leadership in convening this public-private partnership and we are ready to lend our support in joining the Coronavirus State Technology SWAT Team. This is a time for industry to come together with government to tackle this crisis and we look forward to helping New York develop key digital products to meet the challenges of fighting COVID-19.

Toni Townes-Whitley