9/11 Assistance Programs

You may be eligible for financial compensation and no-cost healthcare related to 9/11.

You May Be Eligible for 9/11 Assistance

You may be able to receive no-cost healthcare and/or financial compensation from two federal government programs: the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF). You do not need a lawyer to apply for these benefits.

If you were at the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan or, in some cases, parts of Brooklyn on September 11, 2001, or you participated in the Pentagon, or Shanksville, PA 9/11 rescue, recovery, or cleanup effort, and you developed a physical or mental health condition as a result, you may be eligible.

Eligibility is not limited to first responders. You may be eligible for financial compensation and/or no-cost healthcare services if you participated as part of the rescue, recovery, or clean-up effort at any of the impacted areas, or if you worked, lived, attended school, or were a visitor at the World Trade Center or the surrounding area. These assistance programs are federally funded through 2090 to allow eligible individuals to access assistance.

Federal 9/11 Assistance Programs

World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program
The WTC Health Program provides no-cost medical monitoring and treatment for eligible responders and survivors, including residents, area workers, and students with health conditions related to their exposure on 9/11 and through July 2002. Covered 9/11-related illnesses include but are not limited to physical and mental health conditions such as asthma, sinusitis, GERD, cancer, depression, or PTSD. For more information, call 1-888-982-4748 or click "learn more" below.
September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) provides financial compensation for physical illnesses or deaths related to 9/11 for both responders and survivors, including residents, area workers, and students. You do not have to currently be sick to register. Registration preserves the right to file a claim in the future and waives no legal rights. A personal representative of an individual who died of their 9/11-related illness may register on their behalf. You do not need a lawyer to register or file a claim with the VCF. For more information, call 1-855-885-1555 or click "learn more" below.

9/11 Assistance Programs Eligibility Areas

If you were a 9/11 responder, worker, resident, and/or student in lower Manhattan below Houston Street or parts of Brooklyn, you may be eligible for assistance. See the map below for details or click to expand the map.

9/11 Assistance Eligibility Area Map

Frequently Asked Questions About Federal 9/11 Assistance Programs

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