2020 Census

Make Sure You're Counted How to Respond

Responding is quick and easy. You can respond online, by phone or by mail.

New York Needs You

The decennial census is the nation's once-per-decade, constitutionally-mandated count of every American, regardless of their citizenship status. The decennial census is one of the nation's most important programs.

Results of the census will determine New Yorkers' fair share of federal funds for programs essential to health care, education, housing, economic development and transportation, as well as our congressional representation in Washington.

Note: Your responses are confidential, safe and secure, even for immigrants.

State resources are committed to develop a comprehensive, collaborative and ongoing effort to identify hard-to-count populations and identify the most effective ways to encourage participation in the census. These efforts included the creation of the New York State Complete Count Commission. The NYS Complete Census Campaign held conferences across the state to inform counties and community-based organizations on best practices to coordinate efforts and resources to reach at-risk and hard-to-count communities.​

Census 2020 Complete Count Outreach Grants

Census 2020 Conferences

New York State is holding conferences to raise awareness about the Census and engage advocates, community-based organizations, community leaders and local officials to ensure a complete count.

The New York State Complete Count Commission

The Complete Count Commission was created to inform and help direct the State's efforts for the 2020 Census. Their final report was released in October 2019.

Census 2020: What You Need to Know

Building Framework

Learn what NYS has already done to get ready for the Census, including completion of the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) and a comprehensive review of address data.

Governor's Census Council Ensuring Every New Yorker is Counted

The new council, co-chaired by Martin Luther King III, Lucy Liu and Lin-Manuel Miranda, will hold conferences to raise awareness about the Census and engage advocates, community organizations, community leaders and local officials.
The Council will act as the state’s coordinating arm to achieve a complete census count using the information learned from the state’s Complete Count Commission and support from state, local and foundation funding resources.
The Governor will also propose an additional $10 million in this year’s budget to ensure a complete count, bringing the state’s financial support up to $70 million for the 2020 Census.


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