The Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council (MISCC)

ASL Interpretation Video



The Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council (the MISCC), which was established by Chapter 551 of the Laws of 2002, is responsible for ensuring that New Yorkers of all ages with physical, intellectual, developmental, sensory, and mental health disabilities receive care and services in the most integrated settings appropriate to their individual needs.

A lockup of the Governor's Seal with Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council

What Does the MISCC Do?

The MISCC plays a crucial role in our community by focusing on:

  • Assessing the current situation: We determine how many people are at risk of institutionalization and how many people need community help to avoid institutions.
  • Unified assessment procedures: We review policies and procedures that support people with disabilities in staying in their communities whenever possible.
  • Identifying available community help: We find out what help is out there and if it's enough for people with disabilities to live in their communities.
  • Improving community-based services: We make sure the help available is high quality, accessible, and fulfilling to the needs of those who require it.
  • Integration into everyday life: We ensure that community-based services effectively include people with disabilities in daily community activities such as employment, transportation, housing, education, healthcare, and leisure opportunities.
  • If you are curious about other functions of the MISCC, see our bylaws.

MISCC Membership

The MISCC is a cross-systems partnership consisting of representatives from multiple state agencies and nine appointed public representatives. Together, these agencies, in partnership and collaboration with public advocates and community-based partners, are working hard to ensure that all New Yorkers with disabilities can live lives of inclusion where people live, work, travel, and engage in their community. Each member of the MISCC has a unique role and responsibility in this mission.

Agency Members

Office of the Chief Disability Officer (CDO) – MISCC Chair

Department of Health (DOH)

  • Michael Chittenden, Director, Center for Home and Community-Based Services

Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD)

  • Rachel Baker, Senior Advisor to the Commissioner

Office of Mental Health (OMH)

  • Patricia Bowes, Director of Intergovernmental Relations

Department of Transportation (DOT)

  • Ross Farrell, Director of Public Transit Bureau

Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), inclusive of the Commission for the Blind (NYSCB)

  • Julie Hovey, Associate Commissioner for the Blind

Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)

  • Brigette Hartman-Decenzo, Director of the Bureau of Treatment Services

Education Department (NYSED), inclusive of the Adult Career & Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR)

  • Ceylane Meyers-Ruff, Deputy Commissioner

Division of Housing and Community Renewal (HCR)

  • Brett Hebner, Vice President of Multifamily Finance

Office for the Aging (NYSOFA)

  • John Cochran, Chief of Staff

Department of Labor (DOL)

  • Alan Gallagher, Workforce Programs Manager, Office of Career Development and Inclusion

Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA)

  • Rick Umholtz, Deputy Commissioner of Housing and Refugee Services

The Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs (the Justice Center)

  • Charles Pensabene, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs

The Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD)

  • Kristin Proud, Executive Director

Department of Civil Service

  • Nicole Keith, Director, Diversity & Inclusion Management

Public Appointees

Governor’s Appointees

  • Denise Figueroa: Albany County, Consumer of Services
  • Margo Downey: Erie County, Community Services Expertise
  • Becky Preve: Franklin County, Seniors with Disabilities Expertise

Senate’s Appointees

  • Athena Dent-Alleyne: Westchester County, Consumer of Services
  • Douglas Hovey: Orange County, Community Services Expertise
  • Bruce Darling: Monroe County, Seniors with Disabilities Expertise

Assembly’s Appointees

  • Christopher Rosa: Consumer of Services
  • Harvey Rosenthal: Washington County, Community Services Expertise
  • Bradford Watts: Seniors with Disabilities Expertise

MISCC Meetings

MISCC Committees

Last Updated November 2024

The MISCC hosts committees for state agency staff and community stakeholders who meet regularly to investigate new programs, services, and technologies that support independent living for people with disabilities.

Community Services
This committee aims to foster collaboration among state, local government, and community-based organizations to develop infrastructure for community-based long-term services and supports for people with significant disabilities and older adults.

This committee aims to facilitate the transition and diversion of people with all types of disabilities from institutional settings to the community.

Emergency Preparedness
This committee will investigate to enhance emergency preparedness specifically tailored for New Yorkers with disabilities. They aim to achieve this by leveraging existing networks, consolidating best practices, and promoting awareness and training in emergency management. The ultimate goal is to ensure that individuals with disabilities are adequately supported and included in all aspects of emergency preparedness and response efforts across New York.

Employment Options
This committee will work with state agencies to develop new avenues that support competitive, integrated employment opportunities incorporating initiatives from the private/public workgroup.

Housing Options
This committee will investigate new and emerging housing opportunities to support independent living for people with disabilities. It will examine housing without the constraints of current funding models and, instead, view housing for all ages and disabilities with a community-first focus.

Informal & Formal Supports
This committee will evaluate and work to enhance the current support structures for caregivers of New Yorkers with disabilities. It will also unify best practices through existing networks, recognizing and strengthening caregivers as essential resources for the state.

This committee will investigate new technologies to support independent living opportunities for people with disabilities.

This committee will investigate new and emerging transportation opportunities to support independent living for people with disabilities. It will examine transportation needs as they exist today and increased needs in the future.

Olmstead Plan

The 1999 Olmstead v. L.C. decision by the United State Supreme Court addressed the rights of two women who had been confined in a Georgia state psychiatric hospital for five and seven years beyond the time at which they had been determined ready for community discharge. The Supreme Court held that the failure to provide community placement for these people constituted discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The court also held that states are required to provide community-based services to people with disabilities when: (a) such services are appropriate; (b) the affected persons do not oppose community-based treatment; and (c) community-based services can be reasonably accommodated, taking into account the resources available to the state and the needs of others who are receiving disability services from the state.

The Olmstead case itself concerned people in a psychiatric hospital. Subsequent cases have addressed developmental centers, board and care homes, and people at-risk of institutional care. Most recently, the Olmstead Mandate has extended to segregated employment services for people with disabilities. Given the breadth and continuing evolution of the Olmstead Mandate, New York State convened the Olmstead Cabinet to develop a detailed state plan. The council released the Olmstead Implementation Plan in 2013, which addressed four primary domains: housing, employment, transportation, and community engagement.

In 2024, Governor Hochul announced that New York would initiate the writing of an updated Olmstead Plan. The Chief Disability Office and the MISCC are monitoring the progress of this work. The Olmstead Director is meeting with advocates, state agency staff, and community stakeholders to develop a plan that best serves the community. At each quarterly MISCC meeting, the Olmstead Director will report progress milestones to the MISCC members. The Olmstead Plan webpage will host updates for the public to participate in community engagement events and online surveys. Sign up for an email listserv by clicking the button below or emailing [email protected] for more updates about the development of New York State's Olmstead Plan. By signing up for this mailing list, you agree to be included on the Chief Disability Office's mailing list as well.

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Olmstead Plan Community Events

Coming soon!

HOPE Action Plan

The Harnessing Olmstead Progress for Everyone (HOPE) Action Plan describes progress already made toward the finalization of the state’s Olmstead Plan through exemplary collaboration and enthusiasm from our partner agencies.

Read about Progress Made Towards the Olmstead Plan for New York State

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