The NYSDDBHH Office acts as a hub of information for state agencies, local governments and organizations to better serve individuals of the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing communities.
Learn more about their efforts throughout the past year:
On April 14, the Office visited and toured Northeastern Association for the Blind at Albany.
On April 15, the Office met with the 4201 School Association.
From April 30 to May 1, the Office attended the National Governors Association summit on Disability Employment in Albany.
On May 16, the Office attended the Helen Keller National Center Tech Blitz.
On May 21, the Office attended CO-CMIST 4009: CMIST Response Teams - Emergency Response Interpreter hosted by the State of Colorado.
On May 31, the Office attended Emergency Preparedness Summit hosted by RIT/National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
On June 7, Executive Director Chris Woodfill provided remarks at the CHARGE conference in Princeton, New Jersey.
On June 10, the Office attended the Hearing Health Alliance Conference in Saratoga Springs.
On June 20, the Office attended the Long Spoons Forum on Deaf Health Care (Long Island and NYC) at Millneck Services.
From July through September, the Office provided a Lunch and Learn Series to Executive Chamber Staff on Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing communities and a short series of ASL conversational signs.
On July 1, the Office attended its first National Association of State Agencies of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Summit (NASADHH) before the NAD National Association of the Deaf Conference in Chicago.
From July 19-20, the Office attended the Usher Syndrome Coalition biannual conference in Rochester.
On July 29, the NY ADA Pride Event was held at the Executive Mansion where Governor Hochul recognized the establishment of the new Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Office. Dr. Kim Kurz from the National Technical Institute for the Deaf gave remarks. Jaden Dibble, a 2024 New York School for the Deaf, Rome graduate performed Taylor Swift's "Welcome to New York" in ASL.
On Aug. 13, the Office visited the Southern Adirondack Independent Living TRAID (Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities) Center in Queensbury.
On Aug. 29 and 30, Executive Director Chris Woodfill gave a Keynote at the DEAF Roc conference URMC University of Rochester Medical Center and at NTID National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
On Sept. 12, the Office attended the NYS LGBTQIA+ Convening.
On Sept. 17, Executive Director Chris Woodfill joined as one of the panelists for a Lunch and Learn, Putting Equity into Practice-Community Engagement DEIA series Statewide Panel.
On Sept. 23, the Office partnered with Office of Language Access to produce International Day of Sign video.
On Oct. 1 and 2, the Office assisted the Chief Disability Office hosting the third annual DREAM symposium (Disability Rights Employment Awareness Month).
On Oct. 8, Executive Director Chris Woodfill introduced our office to the NY State Veterans Affairs service providers.
On Oct. 9, the Office attended the NYS Diversity Equity Inclusion and Accessibility Workforce Symposium.
On Oct. 17, the Office attended the first Advisory Council on Post Secondary Education for Students with Disabilities.
On Oct. 29, the New York State Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Office website launched.
On Nov. 4, the Office attended the New York State Association for Education and Rehabilitation (NYS AER) of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference in Saratoga Springs.
On Nov. 7 and 8, the Office attended the Deaf Executives Organizational Summit in New Orleans, Louisiana.
On Nov. 8, Executive Director Chris Woodfill provided welcoming remarks at the Deaf Seniors Services Coalition in Rochester. Chief Disability Office Associate Director Ben Thapa also attended.
Other Accomplishments
The Office maintains regular meetings with IAC State Agency designees, State representatives from the Empire State Association for the Deaf and the Hearing Loss Association of America NY Chapter.
The Office participated in state and city government meetings with the Workforce Development Interagency Coordinating Council, Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council, NYC Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities National Access and Functional Needs hosted by the State of Colorado.
The Office partnered with the NYS Office of Employee Relations to translate all state mandated trainings into ASL in 2025.
The Office partnered with the Office of Language Access to support their work to have the second wave of NYS website content translated into ASL.
The first wave of ASL translated videos can be viewed on YouTube.