Funding for Small Businesses, Farms, Not-for-Profits, and Others Impacted By Lake Ontario Flooding

Funding for Small Businesses, Farms, Not-for-Profits, and Others Impacted By Lake Ontario Flooding


Empire State Development has made available up to $15 million in grants for small businesses, farms, homeowners associations, and not-for-profit organizations that sustained direct physical damage related to the flooding. The new investment provides up to $50,000 to small businesses, not for profit organizations, farms and homeowner associations and up to $20,000 to owners of multiple dwellings that sustained direct damage from the floods.

Small business owners and other eligible property owners should contact Empire State Development with questions by emailing [email protected] or calling (518) 292-5348.

For more information about eligibility and program parameters, read Lake Ontario Small Business Recovery Fund Program Guidelines.


Please click the button below to apply for assistance.


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