New York and New Yorkers in World War I

08:00 am
06:00 am
War Room, New York State Capitol Building

Through November 2018—the centennial of the signing of the Armistice that ended the fighting in World War I—a changing exhibit will highlight different aspects of how New York and New Yorkers participated in the war. The current exhibit case features the first months of World War II, in which the New York Governor ordered a June 1917 census of all individuals in the state to assess war resources. This summer’s exhibit will focus on the New Yorkers who volunteered in France, before the U.S. entry into the war, with the American Field Service, as truck drivers, ambulance drivers, and administrators with the American Ambulance Hospital in Paris. Future exhibits will highlight the training camps across New York State, the role New York played in the developing field of World War I aviation, the role of nurses, and the Field Hospital at Fort Ontario.