The Jamestown Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Local Planning Committee Co-Chairs invite you to Jamestown’s second DRI public workshop.
Meeting Agenda
table (10 minutes)
- Sign in sheet: Include alphabetical list of those who attended so they can just check if they attended meeting #1
- Handout: 11x17 table outlining projects
- Boards with mapped groupings of projects
- Comment card: 100 copies
- Side table with three computers dedicated to brief project survey
Presentation by HR&A (15 minutes)
- Welcome and acknowledgement of LPC members present
- Request that participants take the survey
- Brief review of work to date
- Review of priority projects
Breakout groups (45 minutes)
- Six tables, six facilitators
- Format of breakout
- Review handout in greater detail
- Questions for discussion:
- What types of projects would be the most impactful to downtown revitalization?
- What opportunities or challenges related to any project should know about?
- Is anything missing from this list?
Report Out (30 minutes)
Sticker Exercise (15 minutes)
- Participants will receive five stickers. They will place their stickers next to their priority projects on abbreviated, larger plots of the 11x17 handout
Next Steps (5 minutes)