Downtown Jamestown Local Planning Committee #2

01:00 pm
03:00 pm
Willow Bay Crown Theater

The Jamestown Downtown Revitalization Initiative Local Planning Committee Co-Chairs invite you to the second meeting of the Jamestown Downtown Revitalization Initiative Local Planning Committee.

Presentation Potential Projects Summary

Meeting Agenda

Announcements | Mayor Sam Teresi and Michael Metzger – Co-Chairs, 5 minutes

Overview and Context | HR&A & Highland Planning, 10 minutes

Downtown Profile, Goals & Strategies | HR&A and MJ Engineering, 30 minutes

  • Attract and Retain Businesses and Jobs
  • Support Smart Growth
  • Create a Cohesive Downtown Experience

Potential DRI Project Categories | HR&A and MJ Engineering, 15 minutes

Committee Discussion | HR&A, 45 minutes

  • Vision
  • Goals & Strategies
  • Potential Project
  • Evaluation Criteria

Public Comment Period | All, 20 minutes