Cannabis Control Board Meeting

11:00 am
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, 665 Elm Street, Buffalo, NY 14263

The New York State Cannabis Control Board will hold a public meeting at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Research Science Bldg., Gaylord Cary Board Room, 665 Elm Street, Buffalo, NY 14263.

Board Member Jennifer Gilbert Jenkins will be joining from SUNY Morrisville, Bicknell Hall, Room 212, 80 Eaton St., Morrisville, NY 13408 in a location accessible to the public. Board Member Hope Knight is unable to attend this meeting.

Open to the Public: This meeting will be open to the public. Due to space limitations at the meeting venue, only a limited number of members of the public will be able to attend this meeting in person. Members of the public are encouraged, but not required, to pre-register if they wish to attend in person to facilitate easier check-in prior to the meeting. Registration is not required to view the live streaming video link.

Public Comment: Public comment will be allowed during a designated comment period as part of this meeting. Individuals should indicate their desire to participate in public comment when pre-registering and/or checking in prior to the meeting. Remarks are limited to two minutes and should only be related to specific agenda items. Additional comments may be submitted online using the public comment form. Online submissions will be part of the official record of the meeting and documented in the meeting minutes. All online comments must be submitted by 5 PM on Friday, September 13th.

Pre-Register to Attend In-Person
Submit Written Public Comment
Watch the 9/10/2024 Cannabis Control Board Meeting