Saranac Lake
Downtown Saranac Lake was selected as the winner of the $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative in the North Country.
Downtown Saranac Lake is a place that’s authentically Adirondack, a historic village where the lakes and mountains are as accessible as they are beautiful. A hub for surrounding communities, downtown Saranac Lake is characterized by multi-story mixed-use row buildings fronted by narrow streets, with small block lengths creating a downtown that is efficient, compact and scaled for people. Over $45 million has been invested in downtown projects over the past 10 years, with the majority of the investments occurring in the last 5 years. The Village is now ready to focus on projects that increase the Village's quality of life and year-round public amenities as well as the development of market rate housing and rehabilitation of existing housing essential to the attraction of additional professionals and families to Saranac Lake.